It is now almost two months since I abandoned my intense (for me) workout schedule. I would row 10km and walk 20km daily in addition to at least four hours of writing. Now, I continue to eat as though I'm exercising but the body knows better. I have also transitioned away from my intense writing schedule. Now, I find my time filled with business and work-related writing. Before, business was relegated to afternoons and only after I had done at least four hours of creative work. Now, it is reversed.
I need a break from a purely creative and contemplative existence. I am enjoying the mundane as it has become fresh for me. It has taken my creativity in another direction: I have written my first children's book. This is very short, but it holds the same level of intense scrutiny of a novel. I won't be publishing this until I have written a half dozen or so. I am also looking for an illustrator. I am following the model of 2,000+ words spread over 32 pages. Ages: 3-5. It is very different from my Man on the Run series (adult audience) or even Concentration Camps of Canada (young adult audience). I am able to now agree with Stephen King that writing isn't a way of life; it is a complement to life. Prior to this, I wouldn't have understood his wisdom.
We'll see how things evolve over the coming months. Will keep you updated via this blog.